Top 5 Best Teas To Burn Fat

Tea is a simple way to help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals.  Many do not need milk or sugar to taste great.  Some teas can assist you in your detox and weight loss efforts.  Tea is simple to make and can be consumed hot or cold. Tea has many health benefits and it is wise to include teas into your daily diet. Tea without milk or sugar has virtually no calories; it is good to drink during a detox or cleanse and should be a part of your weightloss journey.

Some tea types are better than others and in this blog post we will list the top 5 teas that may help you lose weight in 2 weeks.

Number 5

Black Tea

Black tea contains caffeine. It also contains polyphenols which are antioxidants which help to protect our cells from damage to our DNA.  The tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis bush.  Oxidation is the process where the leaves are subjected to oxygen dense, moist air. 

Drinking 4 cups of black tea a day may slightly boost pressure but many believe that caffeine can help boost the metabolism.

Number 4

Puerh Tea

This is a Chinese tea and to be truly called Puerh it must be grown in the Yunnan Provence in the south of China. Why this tea is different is because the oxidation process is done by hand in large woks and is actually stopped part way through so that the moisture can evaporate but the good bacteria remains.  It is then set in the sun to dry.  The bacteria remains in the tea for a very long time.  Puerh tea can be aged for up to 30 years or it can be consumed fresh.

The Chinese highly favour this tea because of its good bacterial properties and it is quite trendy to drink it in China and around the world.

Number 3

White Tea

White tea is harvested while the plant leaves are young and the oxidation process is much less. Its taste is lighter and more subtle. White tea has had many studies done on it. The studies have shown that this tea has a higher amount of catechins in it, which help to enhance weight loss. 

The tea also helps to improve oral health and studies have also indicated that it is a good tea for general good health. 

Number 2

Green Tea

Green tea is widely used as an alternative to coffee and tea with milk.  There have been many studies done on it and the evidence has linked a higher rate of weight loss and decrease in body fat.

Green tea is very high in catechins which assist in increasing metabolism and burning fat. The tea is available at just about any supermarket and is easy to make.  The tea taste is distinct but mild.

Number 1

Red Tea

Red tea is from Africa, unlike the teas listed above this tea is comes from the leaves of the Aspalathus Linearis shrub. The big difference from this tea to the others is that it does not contain caffeine.  Studies have indicated that it has up to 50% more antioxidants that green tea. Studies have also indicated that it assists in reduced inflammation in the body and helps to increase the immune system.

Studies have also shown that it promotes an increase in good cholesterol levels and helps to balance blood sugar levels. This tea is without a doubt the newest discovery in the tea world and its health benefits are extremely promising. 

Want to find out how to detox your body and lose weight? Click here –> how to detox your body to lose weight using red tea.

Red tea is also available in supermarkets world wide, it is affordable and simple to make.  The taste is more subtle than green and black tea and it can be easily added into your detox and cleansing diet.

2 weight weight loss drinking tea